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Hi,  My Name Is




Years Old.


"Always be brave"


Spina Bifida/Myelomeningocele

High School Team:

Lake Travis Football

Dream Team:

CB Hudson

Hayden has been diagnosed with Spina Bifida/Myelomeningocele: Spina Bifida (SB) is the most common seriously disabling birth defect in the United States. An estimated 5 children are born with SB every day in the US. SB occurs during the 4th week of pregnancy before many mothers know they are pregnant. In cases of SB, the spinal column fails to close properly which exposes the spinal cord to amniotic fluid. This exposure leads to damaged nerves. SB can occur anywhere along the spine – from the neck to the tailbone. The higher the defect occurs on the spine, the more severe the damage. Hayden’s level is L5-S1 which is considered severe. Our vision is simple. We want Hayden to be given the same opportunities as any other student in the school. We want him to LIVE, LOVE & ACHIEVE whatever dreams that he wants. It is important to us that Hayden be seen for what he CAN do & not for what he cannot do. We want Hayden to reach his full potential academically & socially. If his teachers & staff have high expectations for him, he will SUCCEED. Hayden loves to be social and loves being around people. He has a big sister, Hanna (3rd grade) and a little brother Garrett (2.5yrs). He has lots of friends and Hayden loves the ladies too.

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