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Many of our CC4C children are immune compromised, therefore, most of our volunteer opportunities are designed to support our children and families from a distance. Think of your volunteer service as an air hug. Our families may not see you face to face, but they will certainly feel the love that you send through your volunteer service.  CC4C volunteer opportunities in the Austin area are listed below.  There are volunteer projects for all ages, families, high school students, businesses, and groups!  Just take your pick!

Remember to enter your Volunteer Service Hours below for whichever project you choose! 

Stay up to date on all volunteer opportunities by signing up for our monthly newsletter below.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

Learn more about our volunteer opportunities here!

Thanks for submitting! Our Volunteer Manager will get in touch with you.

Betsy Hudson
CC4C Volunteer of the Year

Besty Hudson N2U 2024_edited_edited
Betsy Hudson
Betsy Hudson
Betsy Hudson
Betsy Hudson
Betsy Hudson
Thanks to our CC4C Volunteers for giving their time and energy to UPLIFT or children!
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