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Hi,  My Name Is




Years Old.


“Have Hope”


diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

High School Team:

Dream Team:

Charlotte was a typically developing baby. She was always happy and laughing. At 14 months, she lost her previously acquired words and could no longer walk. She began speech and occupational therapy at 16 months. At 24 months, she was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. We began 35 hours a week of applied behavioral analysis therapy in addition to continuing speech and OT. Around age 5, Charlotte began experiencing tics, OCD and mood swings. She was diagnosed with PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infection) by a MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) doctor familiar with PANS/ PANDAS. PANDAS is a little-known psychiatric condition that can occur in children after exposure to the strep virus. We began treatment for PANDAS, and Charlotte's symptoms are for the most part managed through therapies. Charlotte has made so much progress with therapies and with her MAPS doctor. She has gone from non-verbal to speaking in short sentences. She was not aware/present in our world from age 2 to 4, and now she constantly wants us involved and playing with her. Charlotte loves swimming, playing with our dogs, Barbies, and dancing to all the songs from Frozen.

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