Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
“Lead With Love”
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
High School Team:
Dream Team:
Favorite Things:
When Solana was just 7 days old, her newborn screen revealed that she had an abnormal SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) screen . After 10+ additional re-screens, it was confirmed that Solana did have some form of severe immunodeficiency. SCID is a rare genetic disease, most commonly recognized as the illness "Bubble Boy" suffered from. As a newborn, Solana was referred to several specialists and underwent countless appointments, exams, hospitalizations, and labs over the next few years. She was diagnosed with severe neutropenia. Neutrophils are the immune cells that fight off bacteria, which should be around 5000-8000. Solana's baseline is 500 - 600, but has gone as low as 80. Solana was also examined by numerous non-western health practitioners and underwent countless alternative treatments to promote immune function. Solana spent the first several years of her life isolated, without any kind of social interaction with other children. She was sheltered from "typical" childhood activities, due to her condition. Doctors couldn't give any indication of whether or not she would live a "normal" life, or even survive to adulthood. She suffers from severe food sensitivities, as well as a severe, life threatening allergy. She suffers from chronic systemic inflammation, triggered by many foods and chemicals, which cause a further depression of her immune system, if not completely avoided. Solana is otherwise a happy and sweet little girl with tons of love to give the world! She loves nature and learning, and is filled with creativity. For Solana, a healthy, carefully monitored lifestyle is key to maintaining lifelong wellness.