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Years Old.


Philippians 4:13


sinus infections and pneumonia

High School Team:

Dream Team:

Joe Berti

Joe Berti – Drew's Champion Athlete Ambassador CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, Founder of Tetra Fitness, and competitor in “America’s Fittest CEO” television series. Drew was a very sick baby from NICU and at 5 months he was chronically sick. Repeatedly he was on antibiotics for sinus infections and pneumonia. At the age of 2 1/2, he was sent to infectious disease where they determined that his body did not hold vaccines and recommended trying IVIG infusions once a month for 6 to 12 months. The good news is it has strengthened his immune system; however, the bad news is we have now done this for 7 years. He is currently on his 3rd port. At the age of 5 he began vomiting every 14 days and it was recommended to remove gluten. While we saw a great improvement when we initially started infusions suddenly, we had new obstacles. He takes many pills as preventative. They believe his diagnosis is Common Variable Disease, but it is ironic that his sister would have this also.

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